
Saturday, April 29, 2006

Danish Coffee Cake YUMMM!

Ken voted this one of the best coffee cake recipes I have made. We had a neighborhood coffee this am and it disappeared quickly! It has a crust with a second layer that is like cream puffs. I used only butter to make this recipe. It's not terribly sweet, except for the icing.
This recipe was in Dagmar's recipe box and was cut out of the OPPD monthly magazine in the 60's. This recipe and another I will post another time, were from Mrs. Howard Christensen of Bennington, Nebraska who was the OPPD homemaker of the month in the magaine these were published in.
I will add a recipe for a mazapan center later, after I find it in one of my books. I believe that is superior to the almond flavoring in this recipe (even though this is VERY good).

Family photo 1962

Ken said that Dagmar thought it would be nice to have a formal family photo. This was taken in 1962 by Fred Ward.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Dagmar and her girls

Has been a busy few weeks with 2 services a week, to play for the last 3 weeks and preparations for Palm Sunday and Easter services, so not much time to post! We returned from our Utah park tour and I posted a trip log and lots of photos from the breathtaking and exciting view of some fabulous scenery on the Lauritzen Farm blog.

This photo is Dagmar with her daughters Doris, Evelyn and Alice in about 1945-1946.
The recipes are some found in dagmars box that she got from each of the girls.

Chocolate Crinkles from Doris.

Angel Food Delight from Evie.

A Bar recipe from Alice.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Farm Memories and Recipes for Easter,

Butter Sponge Cake and Angel Food Cake

Ken says these 2 photos are both his dad plowing with the team of 4 horses. These photos are prior to 1940.

I'm including both the Butter Sponge Cake and the Angel Food cake in this post. Either one would make a wonderful treat for your Easter meals! These cakes were often made the same day or within a day, as the Butter Sponge Cake takes 11 egg yokes and the Angel Food cake takes 12 egg whites, so nothing was wasted. Of course the eggs would be fresh from the chicken house!