
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cold Weather Warm Kitchens

This time of year makes me think of warm kitchens with the cold weather we have had! I love to bake and cook when it is cold. The closed up house always smells so good!
I made cinnamon rolls yesterday that, I had not made in ages. One of my all time favorites! AND you can harldy buy a REAL Home Made cinnamon roll anymore!
The following photo is Dagmar in the kitchen in the old house. You can e. mail me memories and I will glad add them to the post!

This old range is still in the basement of the farm house and I use it when I need an extra oven or cook top! (AS well as the electric water heater out of the old house that NOBODY has ever seen one like it or can believe it still works!)
This is an old recipe for Grahm Cracker pudding, that sound interesting!

The bottom line reads: Beat egg whites, whip cup cream & fold in. I assume that you would use hte 2 egg whites left over from the egg yolks in the recipe, as they would not have been wasteful!

Anne said this recipe sounds like Graham Cracker Cream Pie. A favorite of my grandfather's. It was served at Kings on 40th and South.

I'm also going to include the new recipe for the cinnamon rolls I made yesterday. They turned out very nice.


4-4 1/2 C flour
2 pkgs yeast
3 Tblsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 teas soda
1/2 C margerine (I used butter)
1/2 C water
1 1/4 C buttermilk (or use 1 1/4 C milk and add 2 Tblsp lemon juice)
In large bowl combine 1 1/2 C of the flour flour, yeast, sugar, salt and soda and miss well.
In a saucepan, heat the water, buttermilk and margerine of butter until warm.
Add to flour mixure. Blend at low speed on mixer until moistened, then at medium speed for 3 minutes.
By hand stir in enough flour to make firm dough.
Knead on floured board until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl snd let rise in warm plac euntil double. Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness. Spead with melted margerine and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (I also put on nuts). Roll and cut into slices.
Place in greased 9 X 13 pan and let stand until almost double. Bake at 375F for 20-25 min. Frost with a glaze.
I also made part of the rolls with a peanut butter, confectioners sugar, cinnamon spread on the rolled out dough (reminded me of the old peanut butter rolls you could ge years ago!)

NOW! I really need some new family recipes to put on the blog, so e. mail me your families favorites and some old ones your remember along iwth your special memories!
I would also love ot have some family photos fro each family, but PLEASE do not e. mail any file larger than 500K! (AND no scans PLEASE!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Plum Cobbler & babies on the mind!

With the birth or our second grandson last night, we have babies on the mind. Who can guess who the Lauritzen baby is in this old photo?

I decided to republish the "recipe" I use for a Plum Cobbler, since we just came back with boxes of fresh Colorado plums. I started with a recipe out of one of my Western Colorado cookbooks, and upon discovering that I didn't have some of the ingredients, it became quite modiified! I'm not a great one to measure accurately anyway, so this is a ROUGH idea of what went into the Plum Cobbler.
In one bowl mix together:
1 1/2 cups of flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tblsp baking powder
Cut in:
1/4 cup butter
Press 1/2 of the above mixure into an 8 X 12 pyrex baking dish.
In a large saucepan cook until thick:
A colander of plums (seeds removed and cut into 1/4ths or 1/8ths.
3-5 tblsp cornstarch
1 1/2 cups sugar.
Pour into baking dish.
Sprinkle the remaining crumb mixture on top.
Bake at 350F with foil on top for about 30 minutes.
Remove foil and bake until the top gets golden and the filling looks bubbly.
To speed this dish up, you can bake on a higher temp and turn the broiler on to brown the top and then microwave for a couple minutes till center is bubbly.
(It hard to tell about the baking time, since everything takes about half again as long at high altitudes).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

WOW! Is the summer over?!

I have really slipped on blogging this summer! Now it is almost autumn, so will try to get back into posting.

This photo is Dagmar and Grandma Olsen in the back row, Alice with the dolly, Hannah & Jesse, Ken, Rasmus and Granpa Olsen across the front. This photo was taken in the late 40's at Hannah and Jesse's house right on the east side of Elmwood on the north side.

I thought autumn would be a great time to post this apple cake recipe. With the freezes around the country, local apples are probably not going to be available insome areas, but there always seems to be an abundance in the stores. (Now I relalize I put this recipe in the last blog a couple months ago/OH WELL!)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Ice Cream and Field Work

The photo below shows Rasmus with the kids standing on the harrow.

With the weather heating up and family get togethers, you might want to try this recipe for refrigerator ice cream (do you think this was originally done in a real ice box OR the old pink refirgerator in that was in the basment?)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Strawberry Bavarian recipe & Fun Summer photos

With the strawberries coming on, this recipe sounded good!

I have some new "GREAT" photos ready for summer! If you check our farm blog, you will see the last entry was Farmer Ken getting rid of his cattle. You can see form this photo how long the cattle have been in his blood!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rhubarb Time!

This recipe is a repeat from last spring. It was such a hit and the Rhubarb is wonderful with the rain and cool weather this year, so I decided to bring it back!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fun in Denmark

Apple Cake Recipe

Danish cousin Iver and his wife Kirsten hosted a fabulous party at a Manor House Castle in Denmark, March 24, 2007. Seven from the family from here in the USA were able to attend. It was a lovely time and we all got to visit with alot of the family at the party. The photos below is the group (minus Kirsten's parents) who joined in the festivities.

Everyone from the USA spent more than a week visiting with relatives on both sides of the family in Denmark. A favorite dessert was served by several of the Danish families. Apple Cake, as it is called in English is a wonderful desert that is easy to prepare and pretty. Just follow the recipe and put it in a clear glass bowl and enjoy! Doris remembers her mother making this often when she was young.
I have included 3 slightly different recipes from the Danish Sisterhood Treasures Cookbook. I often have to try different recipes to find the one that is most like I remember.

Bon Appetit