
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday Morning Picking Apples

(As you can see I am doing all the posts for the later part of September at once/I get so far behind).
The kids came over after church Sunday morning to pick some apples. I like to pick what we will eat and have them really fresh!

We sliced them up and sat on the back porch and enjoyed the nice morning.

Aspen Trees Turning to Gold and Red

A drive up to the Grand Mesa on September 21 to view the aspen turning was pleasant. The aspens are getting their color later this year, so the trees were mostly light green and the ones that were turning were not bright gold and red.

I told farmer Ken that one year I would play hooky from harvest and just drive around Colorado and Utah and bask in the color!

Bench Hike

Farmer Ken and I spent a week in Western Colorado. Farmer Ken got a couple rounds of golf in. We did an impressive hike up to the bench trail on the Colorado National Monument. The first photo shows the formations.

We climed to the bench/ledge below the large formations. We went up a rocky ravine that you can see to the right below the formation in the photo. I felt like a mountain goat for awhile!
The veiws were awesome once we reached the bench below the formations!

There are so many fabulous trails, we've only gotten a few done.

HC & DC Fun!

A warm fall day was a perfect day to go to the zoo before the harvest season starts. We enjoyed the animals and a lunch at the famous Zesto's in Omaha close to the zoo.

After a good nap everyone was ready to play again.

Dad came ot get the boys and we had more nature fun in the garden. We found a green frog and some interesting spiders in the garden. I made the comment that this is as much funas going to the zoo and HC agreed.
DC has a gift for his mom!

HC helped haul a couple trees to take to their place to plant.

Lots to do to get ready for harvest!