
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Trip to Denmark & Easter Fun!

Farmer Ken and farm wife jet setted around Scandanavia and Europe for over 3 weeks, visiting family (check the recipe blog for a group photo!) and sightseeing. A party at a Manor House Castle was the main reason for the trip at this at of year. Another highlight of the holiday was a trip to Lisbon over Easter weekend!
One cousin prepared flat fish also known as red spotted fish (one of Ken's favorites that his father talked about).

Farmer Ken joined one of the Danish cousins for a little rock throwing into the sea (little boys and big boys can't resist throwing rocks!)

We flew into and out of Amsterdam and were lucky to see the spring flowers in the Netherlands at Keukenhof gardens.

The fields where the tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and other spring bulb flowers are grown for export. IT was FABULOUS!

After returning to the farm we celebrated Easter late with an Easter Egg hunt for HC. AC hid the eggs and everyone had fun running and finding the eggs in the grass.

A visit from HC last Friday, was great as now the weather is warm and we could agian be outside most of the day. Farmer Ken provided farm fun with a tractor ride in the big tractor to disk a field.Many more photos from the holiday in Europe will follow.

More photos from the holiday will follow in future bolg posts