
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Snowy Beauty

Farmer Ken and farm wife spent some time in Colorado. It was colder than normal allowing the snow to stay on the ground. It was very beautiful! The colorado National Monument stands out with the red formations with white snow accents!

The rugged San Juan mountains in southwest Colorado were snowy white reflecting the blue sky and appearing bluish!

Cousin Carol and her husband came Sunday and we tourred the Colorado National Monument.
There was more snow on the ground than is normal for most years, but again the contrast of the snow on the formations and on the Grand Meas in the background makes an impressive scene!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Nostalgia Tours

Farm Ken and Farm wife took Harold and Sharon on a couple nostalgia tours this last weekend. The photo below is the view as you come out of the canyon, entering Gateway Colorado, with the mountains in Utah in the distance.

The first on Saturday was on the scenic byway to Gateway Colorado, where the owner of the Discovery Channel has opened a fabulous care museum. Amazing cars that trace the history of the automobile are on view, with no expense spared in their restoration or display in the museum. The phenomenal Olsmobile 88 concept car is a one of a kind that has it's own room in the musuem.

Some of us remember the hood ornaments on the old cars!

Sunday went into Utah to see the petroglyphs and Ghost town, norht of Thomphson Springs. We ventured off on Saager Canyon road, but snow on the steepest (and curved) part forced us to retrace our path. The photo below is not the steepest, but a pretty part of the trail.

We spent some time driving on the old highway that would have been used for travel through this area before the interstate was built in the 60's. People we buzzing by on the interstate and probably wondered what we were doing on the old road! (Dreaming of a slower time when people enjoyed the open road and the towns that it passed through!)

The last photo is the oblisque that marks the Utah-Colorado border on the old highway. There are probably few like this, if any; that remain.