
Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

Lots happening at the farm this weekend! We have "old" friends back for the B & B. We love seeing our past guests again!
HC had his BIG Birthday Party Saturday with lots of family and friends at his house (over 40 people!). I prepared the meat and we helped get things ready for the big day Saturday. It rained alot in the morning, but cleared off nicely for the rest of the day. Farmer Ken had to get HC a little tractor just like his!

After a great day at HC's house for the party, we were off to Omaha for the Symphony. We took flowers to my parents graves in Lincoln in the afternoon and will take our usual 20+ fresh garden flower arrangements to Farmer Ken's family graves this am.
More rain predicted this afternoon, so we are really blessed right here at the farm to not have continued to dry up. The extremely hot and windy days take their toll on the crops and plants fast.
Greetings to all our family and friends on Memorial Day. We pray for those serving in our Armed Forces and remember those who served the country in the past.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Corns in and time to play with HC a bit!

Farmer Ken finished planting the corn last night about 8 p.m. Now it can rain! It's getting really dry again.
HC came today and he got to ride in the BIG Truck! Grandapa Ken and HC also took a couple spins around the farm yard in the BIG tractor! His favorite things! Plus he can say truck and tractor now!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Baby House finches and busy HC!

The baby house finches on the front porch wreath have hatched and are growing fast. They seem to have gotten used to us coming and going. They are pretty ugly, but gettig cuter every day!

Lots of visitors Wednesday! Harold and Sharon came from Topeka to take rhubarb back to cousin Denise who is the baker for a cafe in Topeka. Check out the recipe blog site for great recipes: Doris and Bill stopped by too, and we had HC for the day, so was a fun time. HC found the cow that "moos" 3 tunes pretty funny and loved to bounce up and down in time to the "music"!
Planting is progressing well, with over 100 acres of corn planted and optimistic hopes for a better price for the crops remaining in the bins, with the demand for alternative fuels soy deisel and ethanol.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Time to Plant?

After a week of battling dead batteries (the pick up and old farm truck), daughter in laws' graduation with Masters degree Friday and all the enjoyable festivites involved with that, and way too many other things to get done, the planter finally came out of the shed today! It has been unblelievably cloudy and cool and more rain predicted tonight and tomorrow.

Farmer Ken is noted for never getting too excited and usually gets as good of yeilds as anyone around, so we are not worrying yet!

The lilacs have outdone themselves this year. It is one of those years that on a warm night or afternoon, you become intoxicated with the scent of them in the yard. the cool, cloudy weather has them lasting longer than normal. They outidid themselves blooming this year as well, with a heavy frost last year that completely froze off the flowers early, so they put all the growth into producing flowers for this year. One neweer one I have here on the farm, has amazing blooms with individual flowrettes that are close to the size of a dime.