
Friday, November 03, 2006

Harvest & Halloween

It has been a busy week. We attended a Halloween party Friday night as guests of our young farmer friend and his family. We went to Chip Davis' place (Manheim Steamroller fame). It was a great family party and a fun night. The moon and stars were shining brightly through the branches of the trees, when we went on the hayrack ride in the woods to see the "SPOOKY" characters there.
Sunday we were prepraing to get back to harvesting when Farmer Ken found the cows out. DC and Bill came to help and the docile animals were pretty cooperative after filling on fresh grass and soybeans! SO that took care of most of that day. Farmer Ken had decided to harvest the corn on the "bottom road" so he could bring the cows to the farm if he needed to. They ended up going back to the woods, south of here; where they had gotten out of.
AC came out Monday and ran the combine awhile. This was his first time and we were still harvesting to corn. He found it "rather zen", which is true. It is mesmorizing watching the corn stalks feed through the corn head, especially as evening darkness sets in. (TJ asked if I got any "cute photos", but the only photo I took was of the corn emptying into the truck. (Will get some another day!)

The cows got out again and Farmer Ken found out that they were walking across a beaver dam, so now maybe he can control their wanderings!
Tuesday night we had a turtle come to tick or treat. HC looked so cute in his costume!

HC looked so cute in his costume!

We are now back to soybeans, and hope to finish them in the next day or two. Then we can get to the remainder of the corn, which is most of it!


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