
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fun at the pumkin patch!

Farm wife played grandma today and took HC along with some of his classmates from the preschool, on a field trip to the local pumkin patch, this morning. It was a cool, windy, cloudy day, but that didn't cool the enthusiasm of the kids! The had activities at the pumpkin patch, including playing in a tank of corn, hunting for pumpkins and the favorite: decorating and eating pumkin cookies!

The weather turned worse during the day. After taking a lunch to Farmer Ken in the field, it was drizzling on the way back on the bottom road. A half hour later it turned to heavier drizzle and within an hour Farmer Ken had to retreat to the farm from harvesting. Since the outlook is for more rain, Farmer Ken buckled in and switched to the corn head. He really wanted to finish the soybeans, but we need to get something done! Will see what the next couple weeks brings. More rain, every couple days is predicted; so the outlook isn't much better.
Will keep you posted.


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