
Sunday, May 07, 2006

Time to Plant?

After a week of battling dead batteries (the pick up and old farm truck), daughter in laws' graduation with Masters degree Friday and all the enjoyable festivites involved with that, and way too many other things to get done, the planter finally came out of the shed today! It has been unblelievably cloudy and cool and more rain predicted tonight and tomorrow.

Farmer Ken is noted for never getting too excited and usually gets as good of yeilds as anyone around, so we are not worrying yet!

The lilacs have outdone themselves this year. It is one of those years that on a warm night or afternoon, you become intoxicated with the scent of them in the yard. the cool, cloudy weather has them lasting longer than normal. They outidid themselves blooming this year as well, with a heavy frost last year that completely froze off the flowers early, so they put all the growth into producing flowers for this year. One neweer one I have here on the farm, has amazing blooms with individual flowrettes that are close to the size of a dime.


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